Month: November 2015

This week kicked off the start of the season with a dual meet at Northland Prep Academy on Monday and a multi-team dual on Tuesday at Prescott High School.

The wrestling was great and you can really see those kids that have been practicing all year vs. those that are still working on getting in shape and probably still filling out their school paperwork or getting their grades up to be eligible.

For those coaches that are reading this site, remember to come prepared to weigh-ins with your official team roster. The AIA procedures for weigh-ins are on the AIAonline website as well. The release form for skin lesions can be found here on the AIAonline site.

I wanted to add a few videos of the wrestling/officiating as well. This is mainly instructional only and to help give other officials another perspective on how to call the match.

Video 1:

Take down to a pin!

Video 2:

Locking Hands!

Video 3:

Near Fall!

Video 4:


Video 5:

Liberty vs. Prescott!

Video 6:

Liberty vs. Prescott!

I found a new video recently that seemed very helpful with describing mat mechanics, position, signaling… I feel it is a good refresher video and helpful, especially to new officials, to remember good habits.

Video 3: Instructional video for officiating wrestling.

Had our officials meeting today and discussed Criteria from the handout at the AWOC meeting. Great discussion, including out-of-bounds, wizzer, take-downs and several others.

What I wanted to comment on in today’s blog was the topics that were scattered through-out the discussion.

  • Reaction Time
  • Work to improve

Reaction Time:
I reviewed the 2015-2016 NFHS Wrestling Rule Book and found reaction time in the following sections.
Section 10 – Escape: “An escape is when the defensive wrestler gains a neutral position and the opponent has lost control, beyond reaction time

Section 25 – Takedown: A takedown shall be awarded when one or both knees of the defensive wrestler are touching the mat beyond reaction time… or when the defensive wrestler’s legs or torso are controlled and the majority of the wrestler’s weight is supported by the hands.

Section 3, Article 3 – Interlocking hands: When bringing your opponent to the mat, hands overlapping or interlocking beyond reaction time is a technical violation.

So what is reaction time? Click Here for the definition from senior official, Abel Estrella.

Work to Improve:
This is also a great topic because it has multiple meanings. When wrestling, to avoid a stalemate and stalling, and something all wrestlers should be constantly doing is, “Work to Improve”. Failing to do so can impact a wrestler in a negative way. Wrestlers should always be working to improve.
Note that this is different but similar to the term, “improve his/her position” mentioned in the rule book. For example, if the offensive wrestler is utilizing the body scissors to improve his/her position… the maneuver is being properly executed.
Section 23 – Stalemate: It Is a stalemate when contestants are interlocked in a position other than a pinning situation, in which neither wrestler can improve their respective position(s).

Just some thoughts for the day for those officials that hear these terms and are processing their respective definitions.