In a special AIA Executive Board meeting conducted via Zoom on Thursday, the Board has endorsed a set of recommended guidelines produced by the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee for what a safe return to practice and competition could entail for the member schools.

Click Here for details.


Here is the NFHS current guidance regarding opening up high school sports during the Covid-19/2020.

It has been brought to our attention about a reconstituted wrestling move titled: “The Assassin”. It is a variation of the Kolat maneuver that has gained recent notoriety and has several elements that ranges between unnecessary roughness, potentially dangerous to illegal hold/maneuver. 

The attached illustration was commissioned by Mr. Jim Vreeland, former Ohio Statewide Wrestling Interpreter and a very talented artist by the name of Steve Long. Steve has been a long-time friend and contributor of the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) and has lent his artistic talents to capturing various moves, holds and maneuvers. Please advise your wrestling coaches and officials about this new initiative.


You make the call? Was this Flagrant Misconduct?

Attached is the link to the AIA posting of girls rules. Click Here

Highlights from 2017

Officials, a situation recently was asked of me concerning shoe laces, in the scheme of things this is really no big deal but probably needs to be addressed for clarity.

An official indicated to me that some teams from southern Arizona were taping their shoe laces in a tassel type way, this as a means of meeting the criteria in our rule book. rule 4.1.3 indicates “if the shoes have laces, the laces shall either be taped to the shoe or secured by a locking device on the wrestling shoe in an acceptable fashion”. I know the rule as stated is pretty straight forward, if not secured by a locking device over the laces which is usually a longer flap that covers the knotted lace then the laces must be taped to the shoe. However as experienced officials we often look at “what is the intent of the rule” and if the intent is met then the rule is satisfied.

The intent of taping the shoe laces is to keep the flow of the match going by not allowing wrestlers from gaining an unfair advantage by taking a rest, or to break a wrestlers rhythm, very often by untying and then tying their shoe laces.

In this situation does taping the shoes in two tassels keep the laces from becoming untied if so the intent is met and the rule is satisfied.

However if the official is a stickler for the rules (black and white) the fix for this is easy, in pre meet duties or when addressing coaches in the coaches meeting prior to the meet, tell them that the shoe laces must be taped.
Officials hope this helps

The wrestling season is slowing starting up with a few middle school matches here and there including Showlow and Flagstaff Middle School.

As I was reviewing the 2016-17 rule book and some of the links to the NFHS website, I found this article regarding Wrestling Rules Interpretations that was good to review, at least for me.

Looking forward to this years wrestling season!

Note: For those of you using Trackwrestling, I found this link on the AIA site to a Tracking Wrestling Tutorial.

Thought I would share:

There are several references in the wrestling rules to reaction time; for the purpose of being consistent, reaction time should never be more than 2 seconds.  This a count of one thousand one, one thousand two.  There are certain situations when reaction time is much less than 2 seconds.

The amount of reaction time allowed will vary depending upon the circumstance. For instance, when you are behind your opponent in a standing position with your hands locked around his chest, you have reaction time to release locked hands after you take your opponent to the mat. If the defensive wrestler executes a sit out on the mat and the offensive wrestler locks his hand to block the move, even only monetarily, the offensive wrestler shall be penalized for the technical violation of locking his hands. There is no allowable reaction time in this situation.

Note: Part IV awarding points, page 18 of the 1992-1993 Federation Casebook and Manual.
Officials please note that sometimes criteria such as this becomes common knowledge and is no longer contained in our rule or casebook.
When coaches ask where does it say that you will now have a response.

Abel Estrella

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