Reaction Time

There are several references in the wrestling rules to reaction time; for the purpose of being consistent, reaction time should never be more than 2 seconds.  This a count of one thousand one, one thousand two.  There are certain situations when reaction time is much less than 2 seconds.

The amount of reaction time allowed will vary depending upon the circumstance. For instance, when you are behind your opponent in a standing position with your hands locked around his chest, you have reaction time to release locked hands after you take your opponent to the mat. If the defensive wrestler executes a sit out on the mat and the offensive wrestler locks his hand to block the move, even only monetarily, the offensive wrestler shall be penalized for the technical violation of locking his hands. There is no allowable reaction time in this situation.

Note: Part IV awarding points, page 18 of the 1992-1993 Federation Casebook and Manual.
Officials please note that sometimes criteria such as this becomes common knowledge and is no longer contained in our rule or casebook.
When coaches ask where does it say that you will now have a response.

Abel Estrella

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