Stalling or Technical Violation

At our most recent clinic, the officials indicated that clarification was given during a session regarding “reporting to the mat”. If a wrestler reports to the table, picks up his colors then goes directly to his coach, seated off the mat area,  that he should be penalized for leaving the mat without permission.

I explained that this is not the correct call. In this situation the wrestler is intentionally delaying the match, and a stalling warning should be called, because he is delaying the match. 5-24- 6.b.   

Additional criteria was offered by Charlie Jones at the clinic that seems appropriate. If the official and one wrestler is on the line and ready to wrestle and the opposing wrestler delays the match by going to a coach or by kneeling down then apply the penalty.  It is important to note, it does not matter the reason the wrestler intentionally delays the match.

…Abel Estrella

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